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Coming and Going in Freedom
Before the Retreat Starts...
How To Use This Retreat Platform
Preparing Yourself & Your Space (5:59)
The Secret To a Peaceful Retreat (5:49)
Setting Up the Technology
Calligraphy Gift - for you to download and print
Meditation poems - for you to download and print
Song Booklet - for you to download and print
PDF Schedule of the retreat
The Secret to Enjoying Your Retreat
Finding the Right Posture by Br Pháp Biểu (7:58)
The Art of Mindful Breathing and Sitting by Sr Chân Đức (Sr Annabel) (8:36)
How to Enjoy "Dharma Sharing" Circles Online by Sr Từ Nghiêm (Sr Eleni) (11:07)
Dharma Rain: How To listen to the talks by Br Pháp Hữu (1:42)
The Art of Mindful Eating and Consuming by Sr Trai Nghiem (9:32)
The Art of Indoor Slow Walking Meditation by Br Pháp Hữu (4:13)
Outdoor Walking Meditation by Sr Sinh Nghiêm
How To Set Up an Altar by Br Pháp Ứng
How to Practice Touching the Earth (prostrations)
Thursday March 10, 2022: Testing Your Connection and Dharma Talk
16:00 - 18:30 CET (Paris time) Test Your Connection
⫸ LIVE 19:30 - 21:00 CET (Paris time) "The Essence of Thay’s Teaching on Mindfulness of the Body" by Br Pháp Linh
Friday March 11, 2022: Nourishing Our Buddha Body, Dharma Body & Sangha Body
Welcome to New Hamlet
⫸ LIVE 6:30-7:15 CET (Paris time) Guided Sitting Meditation & Reading
⫸ LIVE 9:30-11:15 CET (Paris time) Chanting followed by a Dharma Talk “Nourishing Our Buddha Body, Dharma Body & Sangha Body” by Br Pháp Hữu
⫸ LIVE 11:30 - 12:30 CET Outdoor Walking Meditation with Introduction
⫸ LIVE 14:00-15:00 CET (Paris time) Total Relaxation
⫸ LIVE 15:30 - 17:00 CET (Paris time) Dharma Sharing
⫸ LIVE 18:00 - 19:00 CET (Paris time) Mindful Dinner and Hangout with Sr Lăng Nghiêm
⫸ LIVE 20:00-20:45 CET (Paris time) Sitting Meditation & Reading
Saturday March 12, 2022: Coming & Going in Freedom **Schedule updated**
Welcome to Lower Hamlet (5:03)
⫸ LIVE 6:30-7:15 CET (Paris time) Sitting Meditation & Reading
⫸ LIVE 09.30 to 11.15 CET Recorded Dharma Talk by Thầy from the Archives (hosted by Sister Lang Nghiem)
⫸ LIVE 15:00 CET (Paris time) Ceremony of Invitation for Thay’s Ashes: Coming & Going in Freedom
⫸ LIVE 18:00 - 19:00 CET (Paris time) Mindful Dinner and Hangout with Br Pháp Lai
⫸ LIVE 20:00 - 21:30 CET (Paris time) Dharma Sharing **UPDATED TIME**
⫸ LIVE 20:00-20:45 CET (Paris time) Guided Meditation & Reading (for those not in a Dharma Sharing group)
Sunday March 13, 2022: Seeing All Our Continuation Bodies **Schedule updated**
Welcome to Upper Hamlet (1:54)
⫸ LIVE 6:30-7:15 CET (Paris time) Sitting Meditation & Reading
⫸ LIVE 9:30-11:15 CET (Paris time) Chanting followed by Dharma Talk “Seeing All Our Continuation Bodies” by Sister Chân Đức
11:30 - 12:30 CET (Paris time) Walking Meditation **changed** (6:53)
⫸ LIVE 12:30-13:30 CET (Paris time) Circle Lunch with Thay
⫸ LIVE 14:00-15:00 CET (Paris time) Total Relaxation
⫸ LIVE 15:30 - 17:00 CET (Paris time) Dharma Sharing
⫸ LIVE 20:00 - 21:30 Celebration of Thay's Life Through Music and Poetry
Continuing the Journey
Connect to a Sangha
Discover the "Five Mindfulness Trainings"
Going Deeper
Support Thich Nhat Hanh's Community
⫸ Sr Chan Khong's teaching on healing relationships (37:55)
Pebble Meditation Br Phap Luu
⫸ Ideas for sharing mindfulness with children (12:15)
Practising in a Busy & Stressful Environment
The Plum Village Shop
Extras: The Sound of the Great Temple Bell (27:43)
PDF Schedule of the retreat
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