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International Family Retreat
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Opening Dharma Talk by Br. Pháp Lưu (94:40)
Walking Meditation Presentation with Sr. Sinh Nghiem (16:09)
Deep Total Relaxation with Orlaith O'Sullivan (44:25)
How we Practice as a Family with Fern Dorresteyn & Michael Ciborski (156:25)
Guided Meditation by Sr. Trì Nghiêm: Coming Back to the Body in the Present Moment (40:36)
Introductory Qi-Gong Session led by Br. Mãn Tuệ (36:26)
Mindful Consumption: Dharma Talk by Sr. Đẳng Nghiêm (74:44)
The Ten Mindful Movements led by Br. Đức Niệm (32:53)
Chrysalis Corner: Snack Meditation by Sr. Thanh Huong (Fragrance) (15:45)
Mindful Nutrition Workshop with Dr. Lilian Cheung (80:31)
Chrysalis Corner: Captain Deep Looking shares about the Island Within (19:17)
Deep Total Relaxation with Sr. Trì Nghiêm (42:36)
Inner Child Workshop by Br. Pháp Lai (46:11)
Guided Meditation by Br. Đức Khiêm (34:22)
Guided Meditation: Relaxing the Body, I Taste the Joy of Meditation by Br. Đức Trí (31:44)
Qi-Gong Session led by Br. Mãn Tuệ, Part 2 (36:38)
Dharma Talk about Dealing with Strong Emotions: for Children by Sr. Bội Nghiêm & for Adults by Sr. Kính Nghiêm (77:22)
Childrens Zone: Imaginature by Orlaith O'Sullivan (7:42)
5 Mindfulness Trainings Presentation & Application Form (100:52)
Deep Total Relaxation with Sr. Ân Nghiêm (51:15)
Chrysalis Corner: Guided Meditation by Br. Minh An (16:34)
Guided Meditation by Br. Minh Dung (50:28)
Guided Meditation by Br. Dao Phuong: Nourishing and Healing Myself with the Wonders of Life (33:15)
Qi-Gong Session led by Br. Mãn Tuệ, Part 3 (36:28)
Dharma Talk about Watering Seeds by Sr. Thệ Nghiêm (with Introduction for Children) (78:24)
Childrens Zone: Starfish by Orlaith O'Sullivan (7:22)
Deep Total Relaxation with Orlaith O'Sullivan (48:12)
Childrens Zone & Chrysalis Corner: Reading The Two Hands & Live Drawing with Brs. Pháp Lai & Pháp Ban (55:12)
Beginning Anew Presentation by Paz Perlman & Jo Confino (59:05)
Guided Meditation by Sr. Thần Nghiêm: Taking Care of the Wounded Child in Me and in my Parents (39:56)
Qi-Gong Session led by Br. Mãn Tuệ, Part 4 (38:05)
Questions & Answers Panel Sharing with Sr. Hương Nghiêm, Br. Pháp Không, Sr. Bội Nghiêm, Sr. Trì Nghiêm, Br. Ngộ Không (104:39)
Childrens Zone: Catch Happy with Orlaith O'Sullivan (12:25)
5 Mindfulness Trainings Transmission Ceremony, Still Water Meditation Hall (78:01)
2 Promises Transmission Ceremony, Still Water Meditation Hall (39:27)
Guided Meditation by Br. Đạo Sơn: Taking Care of the Wounded Child in Me and in my Parents (43:04)
Guided Meditation: Touching Nirvana by Br. Bảo Tạng (45:55)
Qi-Gong Session led by Br. Mãn Tuệ, Part 5/5 (38:22)
Deep Relaxation by Br. Minh Dung (34:07)
Family Tea Meditation with the Optimistic Oaks and EU Childrens Program Staff
Chrysalis Corner: Do you realise-Song by Br. Minh An (4:49)
Closing Dharma Talk by Br. Pháp Dung (116:09)
Walking Meditation Presentation with Sr. Sinh Nghiem
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