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Courage, Love and Hope for 2021
Before the Retreat Starts...
Preparing Yourself & Your Space (5:37)
The Secret To a Peaceful Retreat (5:49)
Setting Up the Technology
Exclusive FREE e-book & Recommended Reading
Calligraphy Gift - for you to download and print
Meditation poems - for you to download and print
♫ Song Booklet - for you to download and print
The Secret to Enjoying Your Retreat
The Art of Sitting Meditation (13:23)
How to Enjoy "Dharma Sharing" Circles Online (11:07)
Dharma Rain: How to listen to the talks (1:42)
The Art of Mindful Eating and Consuming (9:32)
The Art of Slow Walking Meditation Indoors (4:13)
Outdoor Walking Meditation with Brother Phap Huu (3:52)
Joy of Walking Meditation with Sister Sang Nghiem (7:45)
The Five Mindfulness Trainings
Introduction about The Five Mindfulness Trainings - Global Ethics (3:07)
Discover the "Five Mindfulness Trainings"
Application Form to receive The Five Mindfulness Trainings
Introduction about The Ceremony of Transmitting The Five Mindfulness Trainings (6:20)
How to practice Touching of The Earth - Prostration (4:48)
Cooking is an act of love
Happy cooking (6:10)
Sunday 27th December, 2020: Testing your connection
16:00 - 21:00 Test connecting to sitting meditation, exercises, Dharma talks & guided relaxation
15:30 - 17:00 CEST (Paris time) Test connecting to Dharma sharing
Monday 28th Dec "At Home in The World"
⫸ LIVE 7:30-8:00 Guided Sitting Meditation: “I have arrived, I am home.” (33:02)
8:15-8:45 Exercises with the sisters (26:13)
⫸ LIVE 9:30 Singing Meditation & 10:00-11:15 Dharma Talk: “At Home in The World” by Sister Thoai Nghiem
Walking Meditation (optional)
14:30 Guided Deep Relaxation by Sr Chan Khong (21:01)
15:30 - 17:00 Dharma Sharing
⫸ LIVE 20:00-20:45 Sitting meditation: “Joy of meditation as nourishment” & Sutra reading: “Discourse on Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone” (46:45)
Tuesday 29th December "Truth and Dialogue"
⫸ LIVE 7:30-8:00 Guided Sitting Meditation: “To calm down my strong emotions” (37:37)
8:15-8:45 Exercises with the sisters (Integral Tai Chi)
⫸ LIVE 9:30 Singing Meditation & 10:00-11:15 Dharma Talk: “ Truth and Dialogue" by Brother Phap Lai (111:19)
Walking Meditation (optional)
14:30 Guided Deep Relaxation by Sister Dinh Nghiem (25:51)
15:30 - 17:00 Dharma Sharing
⫸ 20:00 Global Ethics Panel Sharing: facilitator Brother Bao Tang (85:24)
Wednesday 30th December "Questions & Answers"
⫸ LIVE 7:30-8:00 Guided Sitting Meditation "The Four Nutriments" (32:51)
⫸ LIVE 9:45 Plum Village Songs & 10:00-11:15 Questions and Answers (89:09)
Walking Meditation (optional) (7:45)
14:30-15:00 Guided Relaxation by Sister Trang Chanh Niem (44:25)
15:30 - 17:00 Dharma Sharing
⫸ LIVE 20:00-20:45 Guided Sitting Meditation "Peace of mind" and Sutra Reading " Discourse on the Five ways of Putting and End to Anger" (41:47)
Thursday 31st Dec. "Hope in Action"
⫸LIVE 7:30 - 8:00 Metta Meditation (35:25)
8:15 - 8:45 Exercises with Upper Hamlet Brothers
⫸ LIVE 10:00 Beginning Anew Presentation by Sister Hoi Nghiem (77:11)
Walking meditation (optional) (3:52)
Song Meditation on Love (Sr Luc Nghiem) (3:18)
⫸ LIVE 15:00 Singing Meditation & 15:30 - 17:00 Dharma Talk " Hope In Action" by Sister Chan Duc (85:29)
18.00 Dinner with Dharma sharing family
⫸ LIVE 20:30 - 21:30 New Year's Performance (63:44)
22:00 - 23:00 Total Relaxation and Touching of The Earth by Sister Chan Khong (20:26)
⫸ LIVE 23:30 - 00:30 New Year Ceremony (36:34)
Friday 1st January, 2021
Lazy morning
15:30 - 17:00 Celebrating & Closing with Dharma Sharing Family
Continuing the Journey
Connect to a Sangha
Going Deeper
Support Thich Nhat Hanh's Community
⫸ Sr Chan Khong's teaching on healing relationships (37:55)
⫸ Ideas for sharing mindfulness with children (12:15)
⫸ LIVE 20:00-20:45 Guided Sitting Meditation "Peace of mind" and Sutra Reading " Discourse on the Five ways of Putting and End to Anger"
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